The original artificial all-weather cricket wicket was laid at Sunderland Road Recreation Ground over 20 years ago. The deterioration of the original wicket has meant that for the last two years it has been unusable due to the uneven and damaged surface.
The cost of a new artificial wicket was a prohibitive factor for Sandy Cricket Club until an application was made to the Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund, which is administered by the Derbyshire Environmental Trust. The grant of nearly £6000 meant that the cricket club could finally finance the replacement, and the work has now been successfully completed by Durant Cricket.
With Sandy Cricket Club running junior league matches this season the replacement of the all-weather artificial wicket has been a priority for the club. The all-weather cricket wicket will be used for the junior league matches and the weekly junior and senior coaching sessions.
The whole local community will also benefit from the new cricket wicket, it can be hired free of charge by contacting either Sandy Cricket Club or Sandy Town Council.